Monday 30 January 2012

What Natural Vision Therapy Should I Choose?

Recent years have shown a back lash against modern and orthodox medicine as people have become aware that modern medicine treatments often carries with it side effects which are worse than the problem being treated. Those with eye problems are now more eager than ever to try out a natural vision therapy.

Once you have decided that you want to choose such a therapy you will probably want to know which one is the most effective. Well, two very effective natural therapies for improving vision are the Pinhole Glasses Exercise Method and The Bates Exercise Method.

In fact Pinhole Glasses were used ever before modern glasses prescribed by opticians came into being. Pinholes Glasses are not made from glass but are made from opaque material such as plastic or metal. They consist of a series of pinhole sized perforations in the glasses. They work by eliminating the scattering of light on the retina that we experience when focusing on an object or image. They also eliminate peripheral vision.

This process enables the eyes to focus and relax without straining, and in turn the relaxation of muscles leads to an improvement in vision. If you choose this natural therapy to help improve your eyesight, then you will need to wear the pinhole glasses every day for at least fifteen minutes.

An exercise method which complements the Pinhole Glasses exercise method and can be used in conjunction with it is the Bates Exercise Method. This exercise method is named after the ophthalmologist, William Horatio Bates, who was working in the United States in the 1920s, and who sought to challenge orthodox ophthalmology after discovering that there was a more natural way to improve vision other than wearing prescription lenses. He was one of the pioneers in natural vision therapy.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Are Glasses Good for our eyes - The Dangers of a Lie

Everyone has a told a lie once or twice. A lie is anything that isn’t the truth. Taking away a few pounds on your driver’s license, allowing people to believe you are a few years younger, or keeping the whole truth for someone are all lies. White lies may make us feel better and keep us from hurting others, but the damage is all in the eyes.

Lying hurts and damages the eyes no matter how small the lie may be. Lying puts strain on the eyes and keeps them from properly working. For one, you have to make up the lie and then remember all the details so you don’t get caught. This extra concentration and strain on the eyes causes damage.

A retinoscope is what the trained professionals use to see who is lying to them. The retinoscope works better than a polygraph test because the eyes don’t lie, even if you do. The retinoscope tests for refraction, the eyes’ ability to focus on light. A lie changes how the eyes see and how they react to light.

Someone who lies on a daily basis may actually start to believe their own lies, but the mind still knows the truth. The mind also has a funny way of deciphering its own reality, especially if you have trained yourself to believe your lies. Now, you may start to hear things you want to hear twisting the truth to fit your own reality. Hearing what you want can cause some serious problems and some major arguments.

Strain on the eyes can cause you to lose focus and concentration. Your conversations with other people won’t go well because you will be unable to hear what they are really saying. Arguments will be difficult because your mind is unable to handle the truth or it can’t take in anything negative.

If you are feeling strain and misinterpreting what other’s our saying, it’s time to step back and regain the focus. Take a few minutes to relax and get your natural thought process back to normal. If you are strained, you are not giving enough in the conversation and it will seem one sided to the other person. Step back, relax, and then rejoin the conversation when you can actually give yourself fully and truthfully.

Friday 20 January 2012

What Causes the Mental Strain In Your Life?

Mental strain is the main cause of eyesight problems and ailments. If strain can be eliminated from the eyes, eye sight will improve naturally. Teaching the eyes to relax is an important factor in getting rid of vision problems. Unfortunately, outside stressors and strain cannot always be controlled. The only thing we can control is our reaction to outside sources, but those outside factors can really do a number on our eyes.

There are a number of things each day that can cause us stress. Some are within our power to chance, but most are not. Financial problems, heartache, family problems, death, illness, or weather are some of the stressful factors we face in our lives. We may be able to chance a financial situation, heartache, or a family issue, but it’s hard to control the weather or a death.

One thing you always have control of is thought patterns. If negative thoughts are keeping your down, you are the only one who can change that pattern of thought. Dealing with your negative thoughts can actually solve many of the problems we once though were out of our control. Thinking more positive will cause less strain in the family and eliminate those problems. Positive outlook on life can make you feel better and leave you less susceptible to disease and illness.

It is human nature to look for outside sources and reasons for our own negative behavior. We tend to blame other people or the weather or the traffic for our negative thoughts. Although, these outside sources can initially make us angry or frustrated, we are the ones who decide to stay in the negative mind set. Negativity causes stress and strain in our lives and causes excess strain on the eyes.

Take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Take time to figure out why you are feeling so negative. What is it that is it keeping you upset or frustrated? What steps can you take to fix those problems and emotions? Once you figure out what is causing the emotions, fix it. Don’t wait for others to come and fix it for you, you will be waiting a long time.

Strain and stress is the main cause of eye ailments. Concentrate on positive thinking to increase health and reduce eye strain.

Monday 16 January 2012

Several Ways to Achieve Vision Improvement

We are living in the age of self improvement and so it is no surprise that many people are no longer willing to accept the fact that they must wear glasses and are seeking ways to achieve vision improvement.

This means that eye exercises which are able to naturally improve your vision have become particularly popular. Certainly for those who wear glasses the possibility of being able to throw away their glasses is an enticing one. This is more so when we consider the fact that there are eye exercises available which are safe and without risk.

Two particularly popular eye exercises are the Pinhole Glasses Eye Exercises and the Bates Eye Exercises. The Pinhole Glasses Eye Exercises are particularly suitable for those who have a busy agenda as this exercise consists of simply wearing the pinhole glasses for a minimum period of fifteen minutes per day. In fact Pinhole Glasses were already in used before prescriptive lenses came into being. They consist of an opaque material such as metal or plastic and have a series of pin sized perforations. This allows the elimination of the scattering of light to the retina, which enables the eye muscles to relax by limiting eyes strain. Pinhole glasses also eliminate peripheral vision which can be very tiring for the eyes.

The Bates Eye Exercise Method is also based on the same principle which is that by eliminating eye muscle strain the eyes can begin to heal themselves. Thousands upon thousands of people to date have improved their vision by using these two methods.

What’s more you can actually chart the progress of your vision improvement when carrying out these exercises, by using the Snellen Eye Card or by using one of many online eye tests now available on the internet.

Sunday 15 January 2012

How to Obtain Vision Correction without Wearing Glasses

Orthodox ophthalmology has lead all of those who have vision problems to believe that the only way to obtain vision correction is by wearing glasses or contact lenses. However this is simply not the case. Research has shown that glasses can in fact worsen your eyesight rather than improve it!

In fact an effective and safe way of correcting your vision without glasses is to undertake eye exercises such as the Bates Eye Exercise Method. William Horatio Bates was a respected ophthalmologist who after years of research began to question the teachings and opinions of orthodox ophthalmology and dared to say that there was another way to improve your vision other than by wearing glasses.

Thousands of testimonials by those who have followed the Bates exercise methods have shown that in fact these exercises are beneficial for a number of eye conditions such as Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataracts and Glaucoma. Bates showed that eyesight often deteriorates due to eye strain and that the key to improving vision and achieving vision correction is to actually relax your eyes.

He devised a series of exercises which involved exercises such as palming the eyes in order to relax the muscles. Other exercises include the swinging exercise which involves moving the gaze of your eye from one point to another. Bates also stressed the important of sunshine and Vitamin D for healthy eyes, and one of the exercises involves ‘sunning’ your eyes.

Many people who have followed these exercises regularly have to their delight found that they have been able to throw away their glasses. Furthermore they have found that they have saved money as they no longer have to make expensive trips to the opticians to change the lenses of their glasses. Those who have recovered healthy vision by following the Bates method are witnesses to the fact that there is a way of obtaining vision correction without wearing glasses.

Saturday 14 January 2012

How to Achieve Natural Vision Correction

Many people today with eyesight problems are looking for ways to achieve natural vision correction. The risks of Laser surgery, which at one time was thought to be a miracle answer to vision problems have become apparent. People have also become aware of the fact that more often than not, glasses can actually make your vision worse rather than improving it!

This awareness has meant that people are less willing to accept the fact that they need to wear glasses for the rest of their lives or resort to expensive and risky laser surgery. People are now taking responsibility for their eyesight and seeking out natural methods to improve it.

It is often a pleasant surprise when they find out that in fact there are ways to naturally improve your vision. One of these is of course by paying particular attention to what you eat. It is not a myth that rabbits can see in the dark because they eat lots of carrots. Foods that contain beta carotene are extremely beneficial for vision and in fact improve night vision.

Oily fish and berries which are rich in essential fatty acids are also known to have a beneficial effect on eyesight. Herbs such as Ginkgo bilboa can also be useful in certain situation where eyesight has deteriorated due to circulatory problems. This herb should not however be taken by anyone who is taking blood thinning drugs or aspirin.

Of course there are also a number of useful eye exercise which if undertaken on a regular basis can improve your eyesight. Some which come to mind are the pinhole glasses eye exercise, which simply involves purchasing and wearing pinhole glasses. There is also the Bates eye exercise method. Both of these exercises are inexpensive and safe ways of achieving natural vision correction.

Thursday 12 January 2012

How to Correct a Vision Problem

As we age those of us who have experienced perfect vision in our younger days can often notice that we have a vision problem and that our eyesight is beginning to deteriorate. More often than not our first reaction is to panic and to make an appointment to see an optician.

However pioneering ophthalmologists such as William Horatio Bates, after carrying out a large amount of research, stated that glasses can in fact make our vision worse. His works was revolutionary and lead many people to throw away their glasses and correct their vision by using a natural method.

William Bates created the Bates Exercise Method, and thousands upon thousands of people who have used this method have stated that it has actually allowed them to improve their vision in a natural and safe manner. The Bates Exercise method works by relaxing the eye muscles; Bates stated that the majority of eye problems are actually caused by muscle strain. He believed that carrying out exercises which relax the muscles will in turn lead to vision correction.

Those who have followed this exercise method have found that common conditions such as myopia and presbyopia can be easily remedied. Those who have suffered from conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma have also stated that using these exercises, together with a change in diet have improved their condition beyond belief.

Of course if you do choose to follow an eye exercise method to improve your eyesight it is fundamental that you are dedicated to carry out the exercises. Carrying out exercises such as the Bates method a couple of times a month is unlikely to lead to an improvement in vision. These are exercises which need to be carried out daily at the beginning.

So for those of you who have not worn glasses to date and have noticed that your vision has begun to deteriorate it is probably a pleasant surprise to find out that there are solutions to a vision problem, other than wearing glasses.


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